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New Horizons
in Wellness
Counseling Center
CALL US : 1-541-659-2129
Testimonials: People finding themselves...
Specializing in Alleviating
the Affects of:
Anxiety/Panic attacks
Bad habits/behaviors
Feeling Judged
Health Issues
Lack of Confidence
Lack of Safety/Protection
Low Self-Esteem/ self worth
Relationship Issues
Sabotaging behaviors
Significant Emotional Events
Traumatic Events
Trust issues
..... & More!
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"I had been working in a company for several years and finished my Masters Degree in business 8 years ago. I am a small business owner and try as I might, I have not been able to make the money I feel I should be making by now.
When I came to Dawn about this, she taught me a great technique that helped me realize that I had beliefs and thoughts about money that I didn’t realize I had.
When we did Time Line Therapy, I was asked questions that I had never thought of before. The strange thing was that I found I had made some thoughts and beliefs while I was in my mother’s womb.
It was really odd. And hard to believe. And astounding. And fascinating. When she asked me certain questions, and we did Time Line Therapy, I was dropped down into the time I was in my mother’s womb. I would have never believed it unless I did this myself.
The scene- as it were- was my parents fighting over money. The decision that I found there was that 'if money was going to cause a family argument, I didn’t want anything to do with it.'
We finished working on that time and I felt different. I can’t say how, just different. The real interesting part of this is that I am now making more money than I ever have. There are other things that we worked on yet this one was a real eye opener.
I recommend this type of therapy for anyone who feels that they can’t get what they want, in any circumstance. It really is incredible."
MS Grants Pass, Oregon
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“In just a short period of time, my life has changed dramatically! I see, hear and experience things like I never have before!”
LL Grants Pass, Oregon
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“I would pay for this therapy over and over again…if I had to! It’s so effective and enjoyable; I now have a great new outlook on life!”
TJ Grants Pass, Oregon
"I have gone to counselors and psychiatrists most of my adult life. I've read self-help books, taken classes and more!
The format and process that I walked through with Dawn was interesting, effective and enjoyable!
I now feel like I have my life back and that I'm in control of it! I would recommend this process to anyone who feels they have tried other things and felt like they weren't getting anywhere.
Thank you, Dawn!"
MC, Grants Pass, OR.
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"Today one of the ladies I work with commented on how much happier I appear to be. She told me that the last time she saw me, she said it seemed like I had a heavy load on my shoulders and didn’t seem to be very happy.
I told her it was because I was working on getting all the “past stuff” out of my head and clearing it for more happy, enjoyable things.
My point being: Seeing you and working with you is making a difference that –not only myself-but other people are noticing! Not only that, since we worked on my sleep patterns, I have slept through the night-EVERY NIGHT- for over a month!!! (I haven’t done that in 10 years!!!)
Thank you so much for giving me my life back!"
DL, Grants Pass, OR.
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"I had heard from a friend about Dawn Hillman and her therapies. When I came to see her, I told her about how horribly my father treated me as a child and how angry I was about it.
It has been affecting everything in my life, from friendships, to my marriage, my relationship with my children and jobs I’ve had.
At first I wasn’t sure and was skeptical. After all, I have been in and out of counseling for 30 years!
Dawn kept asking me what it would be worth to NOT have anger and kept prompting me to
remember that. I’m glad she did.
Now, my family gatherings are peaceful, I’ve regained old friendships (and have made new ones too) as well as my marriage is back on track!
Even my boss has noticed a huge difference in me!
What would it be worth to you to have peace, contentment and happiness?
It was worth my life!
I’m amazed-and so is my family. We are recommending Dawn to everyone!!!
CG Grants Pass, Oregon
"I have been a client of Dawn Hillman's for three months. I am a veteran, with two deployments to Iraq. I had trouble with night sweats, sleep disturbances, panic attacks, anxiety, depression and focusing on detailed issues.
I have sought help throughout the past three years from the Veterans Administration, my family doctor, an acupuncturist and a specialist on PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.)
I have also taken 8 different medications and had little success.
In the three months I worked with Mrs. Hillman, I have seen great improvements.
Her approach is unlike any other I have experienced with any other specialist.
Sessions with her have reduced my anxiety, depression and focus issues immensely.
My night sweats are gone and for the first time in years I have undisturbed sleep. All of this has also reduced my dependency on medication and has returned energy, motivation and excitement back into my life.
There is no doubt in my mind that I am a better person since I have sought her treatment and feel like I have control over my problems, not my problems having control over me.
I would strongly recommend Mrs. HIllman's proven methods of healing, regardless of the symptoms."
JB Grants Pass, OR
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I spent many years trying to hide and run from the many past emotional scars of my life. This last year a friend suggested I talk with Dawn after my spouse and I separated.
It was one of the best choices I have ever made.
Dawn helped provide me with the tools to repair my life while working in a safe environment.
I always knew I wanted to live better, live differently, I just didn’t know how to do it.
With Dawn’s help I am able to look at the negatives that were in my past, but not have the emotional attachment that was once there when I think or talk about them.
Thanks to Dawn I have a new start on my life, and I really love the person that I am.
I would recommend that if you really want to be free of the past and let go of any fear you have of your future, love yourself enough to visit with Dawn of New Horizons in Welllness.
It was one of the best gifts I could give myself. Just remember, you are worth it.
JS, Grants Pass, Oregon
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"Dawn Helped me understand why I do what I do...”
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“I felt guided on a journey or self exploration of where I’ve been, where I am and where I’m going.”
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“I feel as if I reconnected with my past and I’ve now made sense of it”
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“Everyone seems to have something going on… there are many tools for many things”
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“My mother just passed; I am sooo glad we did the work on my anger towards her- I now have no regrets.
Thank you Dawn”
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“I can now see how- what I was doing wasn’t working- and I now have new tools and ideas on how to make my life work FOR me!”

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